Quick Hitting Sales Tips – Practical Sales Advice That Will Lead You to Sales Success!
This book is for those sales professionals that are looking for an idea that can get them out of some tough spots. Maybe you are in a sales slump and looking for some ideas on getting out of that slump. Maybe you have had a tough week and need an emotional boost. Or, maybe you just need a reminder of what great customer service really looks like. This book is for you!
This book is designed so if you need a quick idea or emotional pickup, you can simply turn to one of the chapters that addresses your current situation. You can read it from cover to cover if you want, but be sure to keep this book handy so you can quickly access it when you need a new idea. Or, if you just want to remind yourself on an old idea. That is what this book is all about. It is designed for the sales professional that wants to continually improve their approach so they can help more of their clients.
I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did writing it. And, by the way, half of all proceeds from this book will go to the National Brain Tumor Society.